We understand that we are the main character and the whole fucking vibe.
We walk into every room like we own it (because one day we will if we decide to).
We build bank accounts that fund everything we desire while somehow still expanding.
We don’t waste a mousefuck of energy on people who don’t matter, but we show up big for those who do.
We know that it does not matter where we’ve been or what we’ve been through—we are worthy and deserving of a life that actually makes us feel alive.
We know that our setbacks are our superpowers.
We’re ambitious as fuck. We want more and we’re not afraid to go after it.
We don’t chase success—we embody the iconic identity of our future self and attract it effortlessly.
We don’t buy in to burnout, complication, or limits.
We’re done with struggle.
We know we don’t have to sacrifice our health or our relationships to build our empires and do iconic shit.