THE self made BLOG

They Called Me Crazy (Here’s What Happened Next)



I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

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They Called Me Crazy (Here’s What Happened Next)

I’m in Arizona, getting ready to hop on a flight home.

(andddd since it’s been 115 degrees while we’ve been here, I’m not mad about it!) Cynthia Garcia shares how people called her crazy for starting a revolution.

While I’m always happy to be headed home, it has been a magical weekend spent with some of the most impactful, inspirational people on the planet!

JJ Virgin hosted her annual Mindshare event with the top names in health and I was honored to attend and speak on growing your business without working harder (aka “relax and grow rich”… you know how we do).

And I gotta tell you… The courage, motivation, and missions of the people in the room were truly mind-blowing.

As you may know, I have a deep passion for health – physical, mental, and spiritual.

It’s the foundation for Transformational Nutrition, a better model for health coaching that I introduced over 13 years ago after struggling with my own health problems that I couldn’t find a fix for.

I can’t believe it’s been 13 years!

But you wanna know something crazy… I’m still as passionate about it today as I was day one.

I still love seeing our health coaches at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition change lives – including their OWN!

There’s just nothing better.

And the people in the room at this event have big missions. They are here to start revolutions.


In fact, starting a revolution was the theme of the event this weekend.

And of course, I thought about you and your dreams.

And the revolution YOU are here to start.

Today, I invite you to take some time and think about the world we all live in.

What pokes you about it or what would you like to change?

What would YOU like to revolutionize?

And before you think… “yeah, Cynthia but who am I to start a revolution?!”

My response is simple… who are you NOT to?

The choice to make a difference and follow your dreams, as always, is yours.


The Power Of Environment And How To Design Yours

I know, I know… starting a revolution sounds crazy. Like, who does that??

I get it.

People called me crazy when I started the Institute of Transformational Nutrition all those years ago.

They said it wouldn’t work.

They said there was NO WAY I could create an entirely new model of nutrition that incorporated the science of nutrition with the psychology and spirituality of nutrition in ONE simple to use system.

But I didn’t care what they said.

I cared about helping people feel better.

I cared about helping people discover what they were REALLY hungry for.

And I cared about THAT more than I cared about what other people thought.

Now, that didn’t mean it was easy.

To be clear, it was not.

There were so many times that it was really fucking hard.

I made money and lost it.

I hired the wrong team members and I wasn’t a very good manager.

Plus, I picked the wrong software.

You get it.

But none of that mattered. What mattered was the people I was here to help.

What mattered was my mission – the revolution I wanted to start.

So, was it easy? No.

But has it been worth it? Always.

So far, over 32,000 students have been educated in the REVOLUTIONARY method of Transformational Nutrition.

They’ve made money to support their families and give them an amazing life.

They’ve reclaimed their health, their time, and their freedom.

So yes, it was always worth it.

This weekend, JJ said, “The road to your vision will be rocky.”

Truer words have never been spoken.

But here’s the thing… Truly, here’s what I want you to know…

LIFE isn’t easy. You’re gonna live it anyway. Don’t you want to make it worth living?

Don’t you want meaning and purpose and to leave the world a little better than you found it?

And listen… maybe you don’t!

That’s cool! There’s no judging here!

But if something inside you, even the teeniest, tinniest little mouse voice is telling you you’re meant for more, I would encourage you to listen.

It won’t be easy.

You will fuck it up.

But you also might just change the world.

You might just start a revolution.

Once again, the choice, as always, is yours.

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People who are ready to start a revolution?

People who will challenge and support you to be your Future Self?

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  • The mindset tools to ditch limiting beliefs and finally build your wealth effortlessly
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  • My anti-pain point marketing process designed to help people buy faster
  • My 7-figure million-dollar mindset formula
  • 100k Framework 6-Step Training
  • Newsletter Secrets: Creating a Newsletter Everyone Wants to Read
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  • And SO much MORE

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Hey, I'm Cynthia!

I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you relax and grow rich.

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