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3 Steps To Simplify So You Can Relax and Grow Rich



I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you
relax and grow rich.





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3 Steps To Simplify So You Can Relax and Grow Rich

Oh, my, gosh… what a week it has been!

Where do I start… Cynthia Garcia celebrates her daughter's birthday and shows us how to relax and grow rich.

We celebrated Rain’s 14th birthday this past Thursday with a party and sleepover yesterday!

That means I have a house full of teen girls who haven’t woken up yet and I’m running on very little sleep. Pray for me y’all!

That being said…

It’s been so fun watching Rain grow and turn into such an amazing young lady.

She’s so caring and considerate and overall, an amazing kid.

I am so very honored to be her mama.

Speaking of being a mama… We have two new additions to the family!!!

Cynthia Garcia spends time with her new kittens and shows us how to relax and grow rich. I shared with you last week that we were going to meet some fuzzies and we couldn’t resist bringing TWO of them home!

Yep, we adopted two kitten brothers, Oliver (Ollie) and Bogart (Bogie) and we are completely smitten with them!

They’re a handful to be sure but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

They have their own highlight on my IG so you can meet them and keep up with their antics! 

My camera roll is now full of kittens and all things birthday!

I love it.

I’m really enjoying the simple things in life lately.

With everything going on in the world – from the weather to politics – I’m choosing to return to a simpler time.

And I’m doing the same in my business.

There’s a special announcement we’re making this coming week for the Institute of Transformational Nutrition.

I’ll go live on our IG to share it.

If you’ve ever wanted to be a health coach, you do not want to miss this.

Follow us on IG now so you don’t miss it!

Do YOU ever feel like you want to return to a simpler time?

Just… go back to basics?

I get it. That’s what I’m doing today…

Let’s get to it before these girls wake up hungry and the kittens want to play again!


3 Steps To Simplify So You Can Relax and Grow Rich

Look, I don’t have to tell you that the world is a wild place these days.

The weather is unpredictable, politics are a circus, and the ever-changing trends (how do you keep up, seriously?) are out of control.

There are all these conflicting messages about how we should live, work, play, and be.

And I don’t know about you but I’m SOOO fucking tired of it.

This week, when we were sitting at home watching the kittens play – no TV, phones, or distractions – I thought… I want even more of this.

More ease, love, and simplicity.

And this is all possible. We just have to choose it.

You see, becoming SELF Made isn’t about piling on more tasks, working yourself into the ground, or constantly trying to do and be the most.

It’s about creating your own definition of success—a version where you rewrite the stories of what’s possible, grow your business without burning out, and actually enjoy your life.

It’s about creating a life where you can relax and grow rich – in ALL the ways – without doing MORE.

What I’ve found after 20 years in business is this… 

Sometimes, the path to success is found by simplifying, by cutting out the noise and focusing on what truly matters.

It’s about getting back to the basics, ditching distractions, and building a life that feels rich not because it’s full of designer labels or busyness, but because it’s full of meaning.

Simplicity creates space for clarity.

Here’s the thing—complexity breeds confusion.

And I don’t know about you, but confusion is the LAST thing I need in my life or my business.

When your life is filled with unnecessary clutter, both physical and mental, it becomes harder to focus on what REALLY matters.

I know because I’ve been down that rabbit hole and had to claw my way back. It was NOT a good time.

The thing is… Whether it’s overcomplicating your business with too many strategies or filling your schedule with things (or people) that drain your energy, complexity keeps you stuck.

By getting back to basics, you create space for clarity.

And when you simplify, you start to see the bigger picture more clearly.

You begin to understand what your priorities really are and what steps you need to take to create the success you’ve always wanted.

So today, I invite you to take a moment to really look at where you might be overcomplicating things.

Is there a process in your business that you can streamline? Or even better, automate?

Are there tasks on your To Do List that aren’t moving you toward your goals?

Did you volunteer for too many things at your daughter’s school and now you’re wondering how to juggle it all? (guilty as charged!)

There’s a 3 step process I love called Delete, Delegate, and Automate that radically changed my life.

Here’s how it works…

STEP 1: Delete

Make a list of everything you have going on in your life – yep, a big ol’ brain dump – and then cross off everything that doesn’t get you closer to your business and life goals.

Things that complicate your life. That cause you stress. That drag you down.

We’re talking tasks, people, and things.

Put a big ol’ line through them to “delete” them.

ANDDDD… don’t you dare start the people pleasing here.

I know, I see you!

Listen… I know you want to make other people happy. You don’t rock the boat.

But when will you make yourSELF the priority? Truly… when?

Cross things (and people!) off with abandon, don’t hold back!

STEP 2: Delegate

Next, look at your list and see what you can delegate to someone else (I know, you don’t like asking for help, but again… it’s time to make yourSELF the priority! Work with me here! ).

Who can you delegate those things to? And when will you do that?

For example, I delegate cleaning my house to a wonderful woman named Esther.

She makes a great living to support her family and I get to focus on spending time on the things that matter most to me.

It’s a win/win!

I also delegate things to Zak and Rain. Rain is plenty old enough and it allows her to get an allowance each week so she can learn about managing her money.

STEP 3: Automate

Finally… what things on that list can you automate?

I automate everything I can.

My favorites? Amazon Subscribe and Save.

From paper towels to detergent, all these deliveries are automated.

I do the same thing for my skincare products (not on Amazon, please don’t buy skincare on Amazon), supplements (again, not on Amazon), and even office supplies.

And oftentimes, you get a discount when you use these subscription services.

Again, it’s a win/win!

So, again… today, I invite you to think about your Future Self and how they want to live their life.

What do they spend their time doing? How are they BEing?

Then do this 3-step exercise to return to simplicity, gain clarity, and become SELF Made.

Or… not.

The choice, as always, is yours!

SELF Made Membership

Want to surround yourSELF with people who are making simplicity a way of life?

That will challenge and push you to be SELF Made?

That are examples of what’s possible?

Then the SELF Made Membership might be for YOU!

Join other ambitious entrepreneurs who are focused on their Future Self and motivating each other daily.

In this group you’ll get:

  • The mindset tools to ditch limiting beliefs and finally build your wealth effortlessly
  • The exact client attraction formula I’ve used to create over $70 million in sales
  • My anti-pain point marketing process designed to help people buy faster
  • My 7-figure million-dollar mindset formula
  • 100k Framework 6-Step Training
  • Newsletter Secrets: Creating a Newsletter Everyone Wants to Read
  • $100k Sales Secrets Workshop
  • Social Media Content Workshop: Explode Your Online Presence
  • And SO much MORE

If you have dreams of helping people, living a crazy amazing life, and having THE most fun while doing it…

Join us in the SELF Made Membership today!

Stay as long as you want and cancel anytime!

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Hey, I'm Cynthia!

I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you relax and grow rich.

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