THE self made BLOG

A Secret to Being SELF Made I Overlooked for Years



I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you
relax and grow rich.





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A Secret to Being SELF Made I Overlooked for Years

Ahhhh it’s good to be with you!

I’m on a flight back to LA after spending last week in Austin. Cynthia Garcia shares a secret to being SELF made she overlooked for years.

 I can’t wait to be home with Rain and Zak!

For the first three days, JJ Virgin (my partner in The Unicorn Club), and I spent some much-needed time relaxing at the Lake Austin Spa.

Our friend, Lisa Nichols, also popped in unexpectedly to join us and… well… we had way too much fun!

We had facials, massages, watched the eclipse on a boat (so eerie!) and played Scrabble by the fire.

It was heavennnnnn!

Then, we headed to The Unicorn Club event where we were joined by amazing women leaders and entrepreneurs.

We connected, collaborated, hopped on yet another boat, and ended with more massages, pool time, and even a margarita making contest!

I’m exhausted but it was such a great experience (as always).

And I was once again reminded of the power of connection.

Seeing these women play full out (and being able to join in) was just a magical experience.

The transformational experience is one I’ll never forget.

New friends were made, old friends deepened their connection, and people were reminded of who the fuck they were and what is possible for them.

You know… your network is SO very powerful!

In fact, I want to share a secret to being SELF Made I overlooked for years…and I can honestly say my network is one of the keys to my SELF Made success.

Today, I invite you to look at YOUR network.

Who supports you?

Encourages you?

Challenges you?

Shows you what’s possible?

We’re going to figure that out together today.

Ready? Let’s get started!


PS If you want to join other ambitious entrepreneurs and get the strategies and support to make “new sale” notifications as effortless as sipping your morning cup of coffee, then check out my SELF Made Membership!

Asking For Help Is NOT A Sign Of Weakness

I used to be a lone wolf. It’s true!

I thought I could do everything on my own.

I mean, who needs other people?

And if we’re being really honest (this is a safe space, right?)…

I thought asking for help and support was a sign of weakness and where I came from, the weak didn’t last long.

So, I pushed forward on my own.

Sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing.

Sometimes just trying to find my way through the dark without smacking up against a wall.

What I wish I had known back then is how much easier things would have been if I had adopted the identity of someone who asks for help and lets others support them. Her. Me. Whatever…

The point is, I struggled for years to protect my identity (and my ego) and it got me nowhere fast.

Which is why today, I fully embrace the identity of someone who surrounds herSELF with a powerful network of people who I can go to for help, support, and advice.

AND… they come to me too.

In fact, I spoke to the group this weekend on the power of certifications and how to create their own.

So many people came up afterward and shared the value they received from it. And, I was honored to be able to support them.

You see, relationships are give and take. They’re a beautiful thing.

So, today… take a moment and get clear on who YOU need to be to let others support you.

What stories do you need to rewrite (like I did) to believe you’re worthy and ready for support, connection, and collaboration?

And then choose your network wisely.

They truly are a key to becoming SELF Made.

Choosing Your Network Wisely

When it comes to a finding your people and choosing your network, choose wisely.

Don’t share your stories or your struggles with people who haven’t earned the privilege to hear them.

You want to make sure you share the same values. That you can build a relationship on trust and honor.

Remember, relationships are a two-way street so think about what you have to offer them, not just what they can offer you.

Once you get clear on people you want in your network, reach out and establish a consistent connection.

Find groups you can engage with that suit your needs.

Attend in-person events or meetups.

Your people are all around, you just have to take the step to meet them.

And, as I shared earlier, if you want to join other ambitious entrepreneurs and get the strategies and support to make “new sale” notifications as effortless as sipping your morning cup of coffee, then check out my SELF Made Membership! 

I’m obsessed with this group of amazing people who are supporting each other, building their businesses, and navigating life together.

It’s an honor to be a part of this community and I think you’ll love it.

Check out the details right here!

The Self Made Membership

Ding! You just made another sale. Ding! And another! Ding! Yet another!

Why? Because you made the decision to become a SELF Made Member and get the hottest secrets to make more money without the hustle.

The best part? It was so much easier than you thought!

The SELF Made Membership is a community for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to connect and work together to build iconic brands and wildly successful businesses without all the overwhelm, stress, and second guessing (because the truth is, it doesn’t have to be lonely at the top).

Sound interesting?

Check out the details right here!

Membership is open again so join us before the price increases!

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