THE self made BLOG

The Secret to Change That Actually Sticks With this ONE Shift



I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you
relax and grow rich.





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The Secret to Change That Actually Sticks With this ONE Shift

It’s so nice being home after traveling last week for JJ Virgin’s health conference.

I’m a creature of habit so being back in my own home with all MY stuff around me has been amazing!

Cynthia Garcia shares how to become self made and the secret to change.

This week, I was so excited to sign new clients I’ll work with privately to grow their business.

They’re ready to relax and grow rich and I’m here for it!

I’ve also been planning a birthday party for Rain.

She’s turning 14 (baby Jesus make it stop) in just a few days and I can’t believe it!

We’ve had so much fun planning and prepping.

We’ve also been gearing up for something HUGE in our family…

… A kitty!

I knowwwwww! I’m stupid excited!

Zak and I have wanted a little one for years but traveling back and forth from LA to Portland prevented that from happening.

Now that we put an end to that shit show, we’re excited for this new addition!

We’re going to meet some little fuzzies tomorrow so cross your fingers for us.

I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.

And feel free to send any and all of your best kitty tips my way!

Oh, and before you send allll the emails about how this is gonna change things and shake up my whole world, I get it.

But if there’s one thing I’m great at, it’s change!

I love it. Like, I could eat it with a spoon I love it so much.

I know that might sound odd but I learned a long time ago that if I was truly going to become SELF Made, change was going to be a constant.

And it has been.

So, that’s what we’ll chat about this week.


Let’s get into it!


PS I made sure to have plenty of time to “relax and grow rich” this week too! I had an amazing GNO (girl’s night out – see the pic), a date night with Zak, and of course pizza and a movie night with the fam!

But that’s not all… I had an in-home massage (my fave) and spent plenty of time soaking up the 100-degree weather by the pool with a new book.

Maybe this time next week, I’ll be telling you about how I took a nap with my new fuzzy friend! Time will tell!

How To Change Your Identity and Become Self Made


Just the word alone can sometimes make the hair on your neck stand up.

It feels… different. And different can be scary.

But it can also be fucking amazing!

You know that if you want to become SELF Made—if you want to create your own definition of success, rewrite the stories of what’s possible, and grow your business without working harder—then change is not just important, it’s everything.

One thing I’ve noticed is that so many of us want change, BUT we also want to stay comfortable.

We want our lives, our businesses, and our finances to improve, but at the same time, we want to hold on to the version of ourselves we know.

It’s like we’re trying to change without actually changing.

Here’s the hard truth…

The person you are today has gotten you to where you are now, but it’s not the person who will get you to where you want to go next.

If you want to grow your business, work less while earning more, and have more time for what matters most, then you have to be willing to let go of the old version of you that plays small, hesitates, or keeps doing what feels comfortable.

The version of you who is SELF Made doesn’t just sit around hoping for change—they make different choices.

They take bold actions, even when it’s uncomfortable.

ESPECIALLY when it’s uncomfortable.

And let me take a quick commercial break to remind you…

You don’t need to “fix” anything about the person you are now.

The version of you today isn’t broken no matter what the voices in your head might try to make you believe.

You don’t need to spend your energy trying to improve or fix the old you—instead, focus on creating the new version of yourSELF.

This is one of the core principles of being SELF Made: stepping into a completely new identity, not trying to patch up the old one.

Oh, and something else you should know…

As you work on changing your identity, it’s crucial to surround yourself with people who support this new version of you.

Oftentimes, we hold ourselves back because we’re afraid of how others will react to our transformation. (Guilty as charged.)

We worry that people will say, “Who does she think she is?” when we step into that bolder version of ourSELF.

Here’s the thing: Not everyone will understand your change, and that’s okay.

The ones who matter will support you, and those who don’t?

Well, they’re not part of your next chapter.

It really can be that easy.

Now, I know it’s tempting to want to hold on to what’s familiar, but growth requires change—period.

If you want to become SELF Made, you have to be willing to let go of the stories that are holding you back, the limiting beliefs that are keeping you small, and the habits that are no longer serving you.

(I know… this is probably why I don’t get invited to a lot of parties #buzzkill)

Hear my words, growing your business and living a life where you relax and grow rich requires that you step into your future self NOW.

That means embracing change, not resisting it – always in ALL ways.

It means choosing to become the person you want to be, not holding on to who you’ve been.

When you start changing your identity and living as your Future Self today, that’s when the real magic happens.

You’ll find that your business grows, your life gets easier, and success comes with more flow and less struggle.

It’s about becoming the person who lives that life before it shows up.

So today, I invite you to go through the day as your Future Self. Wear that new identity around like it’s a new pair of Louboutins.

Or… don’t.

The choice, as always, is yours.

SELF Made Membership

Want to surround yourSELF with people who support you in changing?

That will challenge and push you to be your Future Self?

That will be examples of what’s possible?

Then the SELF Made Membership might be for YOU!

Join other ambitious entrepreneurs who are focused on their Future Self and motivating each other daily.

In this group you’ll get:

  • The mindset tools to ditch limiting beliefs and finally build your wealth effortlessly
  • The exact client attraction formula I’ve used to create over $70 million in sales
  • My anti-pain point marketing process designed to help people buy faster
  • My 7-figure million-dollar mindset formula
  • 100k Framework 6-Step Training
  • Newsletter Secrets: Creating a Newsletter Everyone Wants to Read
  • $100k Sales Secrets Workshop
  • Social Media Content Workshop: Explode Your Online Presence
  • And SO much MORE

If you have dreams of helping people, living a crazy amazing life, and having THE most fun while doing it…

Join us in the SELF Made Membership today!

Stay as long as you want and cancel anytime!

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Hey, I'm Cynthia!

I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you relax and grow rich.

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