self made secrets

You Don’t Need More Time, You Need More Courage

You Don’t Need More Time, You Need More Courage 

Did you have a good week?  

Mine was really solid and low-key – which I appreciate after all the craziness we’ve had in LA.  

After I emailed you last week, Zak and I headed to dinner with our closest friends.  A woman showing how to have the courage to do what you want.

It was great to connect with everyone over good food and drinks.  

(And no, I did not valet after what happened last week. Fool me once.) 

And then, like I said, it’s been a pretty chill week.  

It rained this week which was beyond refreshing and amazing and I absorbed every moment of it.  

 From hot baths while the rain poured down to a good book and hot cup of tea, I was fully present for this rare weather in LA.   

I also had a late coffee with a friend and prior coaching client and I even made a note of the conversation because I wanted to tell YOU about it.  

As we were sipping our lattes, she was talking about a new product she wanted to launch in her business that was super ambitious and took her out of her comfort zone.  

She was so excited! 

So I said to her… “So… when are you launching it?”  

And her response was, “Oh, I don’t know. It’s more of a dream. I don’t have time.”  

Now, I know this woman. 

And I know she has time because she’s automated much of her business. 

I helped her do it.  

 Time was not the issue.  

Which is why in that moment, I made a note to share this with you and talk about the fact that “time” is NOT what’s REALLY holding you back.  

Keep reading for what is…  


You Don’t Need More Time, You Need More Courage 

Ok so you know me… I don’t exactly hold back what I think. 

So, when my friend and former client told me she didn’t have time to launch something she was deeply passionate about, I called bullshit.  

I’ll tell you what I told her…  

Time isn’t your problem. 

You’re not waiting for more time. You’re waiting to feel ready. 

And let me tell you something that might make you mad: that moment isn’t coming.  

I know. I tried to tell you. 

See, you think you need to plan more. To have everything perfectly lined up. To know exactly what steps to take before you go all in. 

You don’t.  

What you actually need?  

The courage to start before you feel ready.

You’re Not Busy. You’re Hesitating. 

Every time you say, “I just don’t have time for that right now,” what you really mean is: 

“I don’t trust myself to follow through.” 

“I’m afraid of what other people will think.”

“I don’t want to look stupid if I fail.” 

Be honest.  

How many times have you told yourself you’ll start when life slows down? When things get easier? When you’re less overwhelmed? 

And yet—here you are. Still stuck in the same place. 

The truth?  

You are not too busy or underprepared or waiting for the right time. 

You are holding back. 

And holding back is costing you everything you say you want.  

BUT… What If You Stopped Waiting?

You already know what you need to do. You’ve known for a while. 

If you stopped waiting for the perfect time, what would you do today? 

Would you finally start the business or launch the new product?

Would you stop undercharging and own your worth or go all in instead of tiptoeing around success? 

Because here’s the thing…  

Your Fear of Failing Is Keeping You Broke  

Here’s what no one tells you about success: There is no perfect plan.  

The people who are wildly successful aren’t necessarily the smartest or the most talented. 

They’re just the ones who started.  

They were willing to look stupid and willing to mess up. They were willing to move before they felt ready. 

That’s the ONLY difference between you and them. 

Can you believe it?  

So here’s the question: 

If you weren’t waiting for more time, what would you do today? 

Go do that. 

SELF Made Membership

Want a community of people to support you in getting the courage to do the damn thing?  

Join us in the SELF Made Membership! 

This NOW FREE community is your ultimate resource to: 

  • Connect with ambitious entrepreneurs who support and motivate each other. 
  • Access clear and simple trainings, strategies, and frameworks that set you up for effortless income. 
  • Unlock the mindset of a SELF Made business owner who runs a wildly successful business without sacrificing what’s most important. 

This isn’t just another group; it’s a movement of people stepping into their future selves and designing lives so good they’re only jealous of themselves. 

If you’re ready to quit spinning your wheels and start getting real results, this is your sign. 

Join the SELF Made Membership today—completely free.  

Click here to check out all the goodies that are included (they might surprise you) and join now and step into your iconic future self!

If you have dreams of helping people, living a crazy amazing life, and having THE most fun while doing it… 

Join me in the SELF Made Membership today! 

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Most people wake up every day to a life they never actually wanted. I help them create one so good they’re only jealous of theirSELF.

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