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How To Grow Your Online Business (While On Vacation)



I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

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How To Grow Your Online Business (While On Vacation)

So… I did a thing…

I just clicked “buy” on first-class tickets to an island vacation for me and the family! I KNOWWWW!

Pop the champs and dig out the bikini! Cynthia Garcia shares how to grow your business (even when you're on vacation)

Now, do I have a hotel booked yet?

No, no I do not.

But will I have that done by the end of the day?

I sure the fuck will!

I’m so ready for some R&R in the sun and sand.

Life has been full this year with the move from Portland to LA full time, then the move to a new home in LA, then getting Rain into her new school, I could go on and on.

The bottom line is… it’s… time!

Rain is super excited and we’ll go a couple of weeks before she starts high school so it will be a nice treat!

Now here’s the craziest part…

I know that even though I’ll be on vacay, living that island life, my businesses will continue to make money.

I know… it’s crazy to me too.

Today, I’m gonna share how you can set your business up to do the same!

And then you can book your own island vacay! 😉


How to Shift Your Mindset to Grow Your Online Business While on Vacation

“Summer is too busy to take time off.”

Ever thought that?

I used to.

And if I’m telling the truth… it didn’t matter what season it was, that was the story I told mySELF.

I was alwaysssss “too busy”. I believed that taking time to enjoy life, especially during summer, meant sacrificing money and growth.

Also, I thought I had to choose one or the other – taking a vacation or making money… and thought I would get around to taking a vacation “someday”.

But after a lot of back-to-back mishaps that turned my life upside down, I realized something…

Life isn’t just about work.

And “someday” isn’t a day of the week.

Listen… life is about balance, enjoyment, and making the most of every season.

So, I started playing with the idea that I could grow my business while also taking time to enjoy life.

And that shit did not come easy.

My brain fought back at every turn.

It pointed out all the opportunities I would miss out on.

It told me I’d have to work harder before and after a vacation to make up for lost time so I might as well just not go.

Yeah, it was a shit show.

But I refused to give in to those stories.

I was determined to figure it out.

So, I chose to embrace the identity of someone who makes money in every season, for every reason, no matter what.

I became someone who sees summer as a time to recharge, grow, and expand – while still making great money.

I created identity statements and read them DAILY.

They went like this…

“I’m the kind of person who enjoys time off and sees it as a chance to grow.”

“I’m the kind of person who still makes the same or more money – even when on vacation and finds balance between work and play.”

This mindset shift was wildly transformative.

I began planning my summers to include time for relaxation, fun, and personal growth, while also setting up systems and offers to keep my business thriving on autopilot.

Wanna do it too?

I invite you to write down how you want to feel and what you want to experience this summer.

Then, create a vision statement for your summer season.

For example… “This summer, I will take time to relax, enjoy the great outdoors, and spend quality time with loved ones. I will embrace each day with joy and gratitude, knowing that my business is set up to bring in money even while I take time off.”

Write YOUR version of that.

And then create some identity statements to back it up and work on BEing that person daily.

Got it?

Kk now let’s dive into the strategy to keep your business growing even while you enjoy some much deserved time off!

The Strategy to Grow Your Online Business While on Vacation

To make sales and grow your business even when you’re working less during the summer, you need a strategic approach.

Here are some of the ways I do it.

Use what serve you!

1. Set Up Automated Freedom / Sales Funnels

I call them Freedom Funnels but you might know them as sales funnels. Either way… these bad girls  allow you to generate leads and make sales without constant effort.

They work for you around the clock, giving you the freedom to enjoy your summer any way you want!

If you want to upgrade your funnel (or you have one but it’s not making sales, watch my free masterclass “Work Less, Make More” for some of my best tips!)

2. Create or Leverage Online Courses

Online courses are my most favorite way to generate passive income.

Why? Because once you create them, they can be sold repeatedly without additional work from you. Win. Win!

For summer, you might create a promotion around your online courses that gives your customers a special bonus program or upgrade that you don’t normally include.

Or bundle a couple of courses together and offer it at a “summer special”.

Or, create your first course and THEN build a Freedom Funnel around it so it sells on autopilot (my fave!!).

3. Use Social Media Scheduling Tools

Just because you’re on vacay doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice growing your audience and making sales on social.

Instead, schedule your content in advance!

That’s what I’ll be doing!

Schedule a month’s worth of posts in advance, including promotional content, engaging questions, and summer-related tips.

Use Manychat to automate responses in the DMs and send your audience to your website to opt-in to freebies and masterclasses that put them into… you guessed it… your Freedom Funnel to sell for you on autopilot!

Again, if you want to know how to set up Freedom Funnel, send traffic to it, and make sales while you vacation, check out my FREE Work Less, Make More masterclass right here.

But don’t wait… I’m going to take it down soon.

So, the bottom line is this…

It IS possible to enjoy an amazing summer, take time off, and still grow your online business!

To do that, you can…

… set up automated sales funnels to keep generating leads and sales.

… leverage online courses for passive income.

… use social media scheduling tools to maintain your online presence.

watch my free masterclass for more details!

SELF Made Membership

Feeling like it’s lonely growing your business?

Wonder what other people are doing to make sales even while they vacay?

Want access to some of my best work for creating passive income, creating an online course, taking time off, and scaling your income effortlessly?

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In this group you’ll get:

  • Course Creation Secrets training
  • Live coaching calls with me monthly
  • A community of entrepreneurs just like YOU
  • The mindset tools to ditch limiting beliefs and finally build your wealth effortlessly
  • The exact client attraction formula I’ve used to create over $70 million in sales
  • My anti-pain point marketing process designed to help people buy faster
  • My 7-figure million-dollar mindset formula
  • 100k Framework 6-Step Training
  • Newsletter Secrets: Creating a Newsletter Everyone Wants to Read
  • $100k Sales Secrets Workshop
  • Social Media Content Workshop: Explode Your Online Presence
  • And SO much MORE

If you have dreams of helping people, living a crazy amazing life, and having THE most fun while doing it…

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I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you relax and grow rich.

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