Here’s How To Intentionally Be FREE…
I spent this past week with some amazing women entrepreneurs and leaders (did you see the highlights on IG?).
We laughed, we connected, and we had deep discussion about life, work, and how to be free.
Now, as we celebrate the 4th of July here in the US this weekend, I’ve been pondering the question…
Am I really FREE?
I started my businesses so I could enjoy time freedom. Financial freedom.
I very consciously chose the people I want in my life so I have the freedom to be me, knowing they love me just as I am.
I also choose to be free of lies, illness, and negativity.
So, I’m spending some time today doing what I’m calling a Freedom Audit.
I’m looking at all areas of my life –finances, health (physical, mental, and spiritual), relationships, work, and play –and rating myself on a scale of 1-10 of how free I really am.
Then, I’m evaluating my scores.
And I’m putting together an action plan to get them as close to a 10 as possible.
Because I’m choosing to live my life intentionally.
After all, that’s what being SELF Made is all about –
Intentionally creating the person you want to be instead of that allowing your self to be created by other people and things.
I’m choosing to not come to the end of this one precious life filled with regret that I wasn’t free to do, be, have, love, play, and live the way I really wanted.
Want to join me?
If so, I invite you to list the parts of your life where you seek freedom and be honest when you rate them.
For the things you want to improve, pick one small action you can take to move you closer to your goal.
Once you hit that goal, choose another one.
Never stop creating the SELF you want to be.
Here’s to being free!
PS – For more on how to create the SELF you want to be, read this blog “Doing Less Is More: The Key To Becoming Your Ideal Future Self”
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