THE self made BLOG

How To Get Paid To Be YourSELF



I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

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How To Get Paid To Be YourSELF

Well, here we are, another week filled with possibility stretched right out in front of us.

cue the nice long exhale…

My life is so full right now but I couldn’t be happier!

We are getting ready for our upcoming moves (two houses at once – what am I thinking??) and honestly… a brand-new life! Cynthia Garcia shares how to get paid to be yourSELF.

We’re also waiting to hear back on the high schools Rain applied to (cross your fingers!) and there’s so many fun things happening in my businesses.

In fact, there’s one thing in particular that you’re gonna love! It’s coming soon and I’m just SO proud of it.

It will be the FIRST business coaching program I’ve released in years and it’s also my best yet.

I’m obsessed with it.

If you want to make more money, have messaging that attracts clients to you like bees to honey, and have WAY more free time for mid-week brunches, massages, or extra snuggles with your kids, THIS program is for you!

For the first time ever, I’m taking you behind-the-scenes of my business and sharing all my secrets! eep!

More to say about that later…

Also this past week, Rain’s school hosted their annual writer’s celebration.

The kids read excerpts from their stories – from memoirs to sci-fi to realistic fiction and investigative journalism – and they were so powerful!

I couldn’t help but notice how brave they were to share their messages, viewpoints, and experiences.

One kid shared his story of getting bullied after his dad died and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house!

The thing that struck me was…

Their personalities were so unique and every single kid brought their special magic to their work.

Which got me to thinking…

When’s the last time you brought YOUR special magic to YOUR work?

The last time you dared to stand out, say the thing you REALLY want to say, and do the thing you REALLY want to do?

If you’re still thinking about it, we gotta talk.


You are a special snowflake. No, no… that wasn’t a question.

Only YOU have had your experiences, your education, your successes and dead ends.

Only YOU are uniquely positioned to share your message, your work with the world.

And before you say you don’t have “work to share”, let me lovingly ask you to press the pause button and allow me to speak…

I see you and I know life hasn’t always been easy for you…you’ve been kicked around a bit.

I know you’ve cried, wondered “why me”, and questioned if you had what it takes.

But, I also know you’ve shined.

You’ve brought joy, love, and magical experiences to the people around you.

You have done some remarkable shit that you might not even be giving yourSELF credit for.

You, are a badass!

Which means… you have badassery to share, teach, and help others with. (Again, that wasn’t a question.)

But you can’t do that if you don’t know what your magic is.

You following?

That’s why this week, I want to help you out with that.

You know that I believe everyone and anyone can be SELF Made.

I’ve come a long way since the first business I created (a potato printing press that failed at the first letter, taking my 25-cent investment with it) to making millions, the NUMBER ONE way I’ve done that is by finding (and sharing) my magic.

Now let’s find yours.

When you do, you’ll be able to create an iconic personal brand where you’re known as the go-to person in your industry.

You’ll get paid to be yourSELF. And I can’t think of anything better!

PS Attn: SELF Makers! We’re going DEEP into this topic this week in the SELF Made Session so come ready! I’ll send an email to remind you!

Who Are You?

So let’s start, as always, with WHO.

WHO are you?

I know… that’s a big question.

So let’s narrow it down with this…

What is ONE major event that changed your entire life as you knew it?

Yeah, probably should have prepared you for that one.

BUT… I didn’t want to.

Becauseeeee I wanted you to IMMEDIATELY have a powerful memory that just punched you right in the belly.

Because THOSE memories lead us back to the moments where everything changed.

Where life did a hard right turn and everything was different after.

Where your SELF (your identity) was created and life qualified you to share what you learned.

What was that for you?

I have a few but one big one that stands out is the time I found mySELF working SO hard that I burnt out, my marriage ended, and I became a single mom overnight. 

It changed my entire life.

I HAD to figure out how to do things differently.

And that was the spark that led to me being determined to not sacrifice my health, well-being, or relationships for money ever again.

In that moment, I decided I would figure out how to have it all.

I know! Those can be fighting words.

And no, I don’t have it all ALL the time. You know I’ve gone through some shit!

But I figured out a way to have relationships that make my toes curl, show up for my daughter and what’s important to her, the money to enjoy a dreamy life, and work that feeds my soul – all without sacrifice. 

And now I’m committed to helping other people do the same thing.

It all came from that ONE moment.

So… what’s your one moment?

What did you learn or change?

What did you create as a result?

And what can you teach others who are going through something similar?

THAT is your magic.

How To Get Paid To Be YourSELF

Once you’ve found your “magic”… the thing that life has uniquely qualified you to share… it’s time to put it to use.

How? You tell your story about that “one moment” to share your magic.

Stories are how you capture the hearts and minds of people you can help.

So, I want to give you my 3-Step Stories that Sell Framework to help make the process easy. Here it is…

  • Where it Started: Once upon a time there was ___. Every day, ___.
  • The Moment it All Changed: One day ___. Because of that, ___. Because of that, ___.
  • Resulting Payoff: Until finally ___.

I’ll use mySELF as an example…

Once upon a time there was a woman who was exhausted, burnt out, and frustrated in her business. Every day, she hustled – working long hours and sacrificing her health, relationships, and happiness.

One day she hit rock bottom, her marriage ended, and she became a single mom overnight. Because of that, she was forced to find a way to “have it all” or she could lose it all. Because of that, she created the SELF Made Method which gave her a way to work less hours, make more money, and enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and more time with her daughter.

Until finally, she became the go-to person for making more money through passive income so you can do iconic shit and create a legacy business while working less. She became the name people thought of when they heard “SELF Made”.

 And obviously, she lived SELFishly ever after. (Ok, I threw that in for fun but you get it) 

Now, it’s YOUR turn!

Write your Story that Sells!

When you have your story, SHARE it!

It’s the thing that will make you iconic and give you clarity on what you create and offer to the world – finally!

It’s the thing that will make you human, relatable, approachable and rich beyond your dreams when you use it as the basis for building your business.

Use your story on your website, in social media posts, on sales pages, in your podcast or show, and more to help you attract dreamy clients who will say take my money, please!

When someone says, “So… what do you do?” … tell them this story!

This is how you can – quite literally – get paid to be yourSELF!

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I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you relax and grow rich.

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