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How to Make More Money Without Burning Out



I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

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How to Make More Money Without Burning Out

Cynthia Garcia shares how to make more money without burning out.How was your week?

Mine was a great balance of work, play, and SELF care.

I coached my students in The SELF Made Membership on creating VIP Days to double or triple their revenue while working less (SO fun!).

And then I got to connect with our coaches at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition and The Modern Life Coach School to help them grow their businesses.

I get such joy from helping people navigate the tricky waters of entrepreneurship because once upon a time, I was those people.

When I launched my business, I had no idea what I was doing. I made ALL the mistakes.

I burnt out (more than once), hit all the walls, and wasted so much time and money.

And now, I just want to help make the road easier for people like YOU!

It’s what gets me up in the morning.

Plus, I want to make the road easier for Rain should she decide that entrepreneurship is her path.

It’s funny… this week I hired her as a personal assistant for a few hours a week and she’s crushing it!

I love seeing her excited about making her own money. She has a list of responsibilities and we negotiated an hourly rate that we were both happy with. Win/Win!

We even did a formal interview! It was the BEST!

Look… I guess the point of all of this (I swear I have one ) is that we all start somewhere.

And it’s ok to not know it all.

It’s even more ok to ask for help before you hit a wall and burn out.

It’s ok to pause, zoom out, and refocus on why you started down this road of entrepreneurship in the first place.

Reconnect to your passion and purpose. You’ll gain clarity so you can then take action from that place.

Like I told my SELF Made Members this week in our coaching session… “There is power in the pause.”

Toay, let’s chat about creating a life and business so good, you’re only jealous of yourSELF, shall we?

Here we go!


Who You Have To Be To Make More Money Without Burning Out

This week, a new member joined The SELF Made Membership and send me a quick DM.

In a nutshell, it said… “I’m just burnt out.”

She shared how she felt like she was doing “all the things”, burning the midnight oil, sacrificing her friendships and even her health but still not getting the results she wanted.

She said she had cried herSELF to sleep on more than one occasion.

Stories like this break my heart.

Probably because I’ve been there.

I know what it’s like to start a business for freedom and opportunity only to end up feeling like I’m chained to my desk. A prisoner of my own making.

Maybe you know my “never fucking again moment” and maybe you don’t (check it out on my website here if not (– link to home page)) but I got to a point where I had to stop pushing myself to exhaustion with nothing really to show for it.

I was ready to build my business with ease, make great money without working long hours, and actually have a life to spend it on!

Have you ever felt the same way?

And it all started with how I saw mySELF.

You see, I had always been the person who had worked hard to make money.

In fact, I thought that’s how it had to be.

I wouldn’t see friends. I would skip meals and just… work. All. MF. Day.

And I was so locked in to this idea of “working hard” that I never stopped to zoom out and see other possibilities for my life.

I thought people WANTED me in every coaching program (some did but most were fine if I weren’t) and that I had to post 10 times a day (I actually made more money when posting less).

I thought I had to do it all because no one could do it as good as I could (again… LIES!)

I had to shift my identity to someone who worked less but made more.

Someone who built my business with ease and enjoyed the process.

Someone who made ME my highest priority because if I wasn’t good, nothing else in my life was.

Now… was that hard?

OMG SO hard!

Did I fuck it up?

About once a day.

But did I stick to it, keep showing up, and continue embracing my new identity?

You know I did.

And that changed everything.

Now, I’d be lying if I told you I got this whole new identity thing on lock.

There are still days where my old stories creep in and I think I have to work hard to make money (or some other version of that).

And in those moments, I stop and remind mySELF of who I am and then keep moving forward.

What about you?

Isn’t it time to rewrite the old stories and create a new identity?

Isn’t it time to do things different and time to have it all?

It starts with your identity.

So, today to sit down and do the work.

Create exactly who YOU want to be.

Write identity statements to support your future self and who you’re becoming… you know the drill… “I’m the kind of person who…”

And then act like your Future Self every single day.

When you fuck that up, start again.

Because you can.

Or not.

The choice, as always, is yours.

How to Make More Money Without Burning Out

Ok so let me toss some strategy your way today too.

Ready for it?

Because the truth is… to avoid burnout and build a business that makes money on autopilot, you need a strategy.

  1. Prioritize SELF Care

I know… probably not where you thought I would start but SELF care is 100% strategic.

As I mentioned above, SELF care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

To do anything in your business – without burning out – you have to take care of yourSELF first!

Here’s a quick plan to get you started:

Create a SELF care plan:

  • Step 1: Identify three activities that rejuvenate you and get you ready for what’s next. They could be simple like a protein shake for breakfast or a bit more involved like a morning workout.
  • Step 2: Schedule these activities into your daily routine.
  • Step 3: Set boundaries for your work hours to ensure you do everything on your list.
  • Step 4: Reflect weekly on how these activities impact your energy and productivity.
  1. Create Offers That Sell on Autopilot

You know this is my favorite!

Ok so… what you want to do is automate your sales process to generate income without constant effort.

Set up your Freedom Funnel (an evergreen sales funnel) for your most popular course or programs.

Here’s how:

  • Step 1: Choose a high-performing offer to automate.
  • Step 2: Create a freebie that solves ONE of your audience’s biggest problems. Make it something you go deep on in your paid offer. If your product is over $997, consider making this a masterclass.
  • Step 3: Create a landing page for that freebie.
  • Step 4: Create your sales funnel on the backend so once they opt-in for your freebie, they receive your sales emails on autopilot!
  • Step 4: Use a tool like Teachable to set up and automate the funnel.
  •  Step 5: Monitor the funnel’s performance and optimize as needed.

Want to see how I do it?

Check out my free masterclass, Work Less, Make More right here and get a front-row seat to how I make money on autopilot – without burning out.

Remember, you can’t have the How without the Who so I invite you on this SELF Made Sunday to take some time and work through both.

Or… not.

The choice, as always, is yours.

SELF Made Membership

Want support setting up your funnel and putting sales on autopilot?

Then the SELF Made Membership is for YOU!

Seriously… what in the world are you waiting for??!

Join other ambitious entrepreneurs and get the strategies and support to make “new sale” notifications as effortless as sipping your morning cup of coffee.

In this group you’ll get:

  • The mindset tools to ditch limiting beliefs and finally build your wealth effortlessly
  • The exact client attraction formula I’ve used to create over $70 million in sales
  • My anti-pain point marketing process designed to help people buy faster
  • My 7-figure million-dollar mindset formula
  • 100k Framework 6-Step Training
  • Newsletter Secrets: Creating a Newsletter Everyone Wants to Read
  • $100k Sales Secrets Workshop
  • Social Media Content Workshop: Explode Your Online Presence
  • And SO much MORE

If you have dreams of helping people, living a crazy amazing life, and having THE most fun while doing it…

Join us in the SELF Made Membership today! 

Stay as long as you want and cancel anytime!

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Hey, I'm Cynthia!

I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you relax and grow rich.

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