The True Cost of Living Your Dreams
This week I had the pleasure of meeting up with people from all over the world in the live workshop I hosted called Jealous of YourSELF. It was juicy.
Probably the best workshop I’ve ever hosted. True story.
One of the biggest takeaways was this…
Your new life will cost you your old life.
You cannot completely change your life and stay the same.
It doesn’t work that way.
Many of us are afraid of that cost.
Many of us try to keep one foot in our old life while putting the other in our new life.
But that’s not an option.
We all must pay the cost.
The time cost. The energy cost. The money cost. The sleep cost.
But you also have to ask yourself…
What is the cost of not taking action or the cost of not acting on your true desire?
What is the cost of lying to yourself about the life that you want to live or not getting the healthy body, the career or the business, the lover, the friends, or the life that you want?
And that’s what I’d like you to ask you to think about today…
What is it costing you not to be taking action on your dreams?
To keep putting it off… telling yourself you’ll start on Monday. Or worse… “one day”?
You see, many of us wait.
And eventually, we look back and time has passed but then…it’s too late.
So, we spend the rest of our lives living with the regrets of the things we didn’t do.
We look at the opportunities we had that we didn’t take and we wonder “what if?”
Think about the life you dream of. Are you willing to pay the cost to have it?
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