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How To Use The Power Of Environment To Become SELF Made



I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

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How To Use The Power Of Environment To Become SELF Made

Life has been full this week but magical.

I’m working on some changes to the business as well as a new project that will launch in 2025 (so excited for this) and Zak and I are gearing up for a flight to Arizona next week where I’ll be speaking at JJ Virgin’s annual Mindshare event (grab a ticket here if you wanna join, it’s not too late!) Enter the code A168 for $500 off!

I also met up with my friend, Anne, this week for a fun coffee break. She’s great at reminding me why injecting pleasure into a random Wednesday is so important. Love her for that!

Rain is loving school and doing so well. It’s been wild to see how she’s changed so quickly since getting into this new environment.

She’s now surrounded by kids who are focused on their academics and she’s taking HER academics more seriously too.

Which got me to thinking about the power of environment. It’s absolutely critical and way more important than motivation.

In fact, let’s talk more about that right now!


The Power Of Environment And How To Design Yours

You know, I talk a lot about rewriting stories and creating your own version of success. This is the essence of becoming SELF Made. but there’s something we don’t always pay attention to: but SHOULD because it impacts us greatly: the space we’re in and the people around us.

That’s right… I’m talking about the power of environment.

I have SUCH strong boundaries around this in my own life and it’s absolutely one of the secrets to my success.

I want to be the dumbest and poorest person in any room.

If I’m the smartest and the riches, I’m in the wrong room.

You see… I want to be challenged and discover things I don’t already know so I can continue to grow – both my business and as a person.

I want people who show me higher levels of what’s possible.

Your environment—both the physical space and the people you allow into your life—can either help you grow into your future self or keep you stuck in old patterns and stories. (and let’s be honest, no one wants or needs that).

Now, you’ve probably heard the same old advice when it comes to environment…

… “Declutter your space for a clear mind”


… “Surround yourself with positive people”

And ok, cool. But there’s more ways your environment influences you than what you might realize.

Things that are rarely talked about.

For instance…

Your physical space should inspire action, not just comfort.

I know, I know. We’re often told to create calm, minimalist environments to stay focused.

I like a good candle, soft chair, and blanket too. It sets a vibe.

But what if your space isn’t just about being calm and comfortable?

What if it could actively inspire you to take big, bold action toward your goals and dreams?

In my office, I have artwork that inspires me to create more and focus on making people FEEL something through the things I create.

I have an hourglass to remind me that time is constantly slipping away so I use it to do things that matter.

I have awards I’ve been given over the years as a reminder of what I’m capable of AND there’s a blank space for the next one that I know is coming.

There’s a huge photo that will go on the cover of my next big project (coming soon!). I see this photo plastered all across the interwebs and on a billboard in Times Square because that’s what my Future Self is creating.

Remember, your environment should reflect the person you’re becoming, not the person you’ve been.

You could have anything you want…

… A plant to remind you to continue to grow into your Future Self.

… A photo of the place your Future Self has traveled to, first class of course.

… A check for $1 million made out to your Future Self with a clear date on when you’ll reach that goal.

You get the idea.

Your space should energize you, remind you of your goals, and push you to think bigger. You need triggers that make you want to act, not just relax.

Now.. when it comes to that whole “surround yourself with positive people” thing…

I mean, sure. Who wants to be surrounded by assholes. I get it. AND…

I firmly believe you should surround yourself with HONEST people.

People who will hold you to higher standards.

Challenge you to do and be more.

Call you on your bullshit.

I’ll take honest over positive any day.

As I already said, I want people who make me want to be more. Who are an example of what’s possible.

I would encourage you to surround yourSELF with people who will ask, “Why not double that goal?” or “What’s stopping you from charging what you’re really worth?”

These are the people who help you rewrite your story, even when it feels uncomfortable.

So, today, I invite you to take a hard and honest look at your environment.

Is it reenforcing your current identity or inspiring your future one?

Is it keeping you comfortable or inspiring action?

Are the people around you challenging you to do more or showing you what’s possible through their own life and work?

And then… make some changes. Rewrite the stories of why you can’t, move in the direction that inspires you to BE more, and embrace your Future SELF today.

Or… not.

The choice, as always, is yours!

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That will challenge and push you to be your Future Self?

That will be examples of what’s possible?

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  • And SO much MORE

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I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

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