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The Top Trait The Most Successful SELF Made People Have



I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

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The Top Trait The Most Successful SELF Made People Have

It has been a week for me.

I’m in this full season of life and business right now where I’m getting some things in place so I can go all in on a new project.

It’s been good and I’m loving what I’m putting together!

I was also reminded of something really important this week… Cynthia Garcia shares the top trait the most successful SELF made people have.

It’s really important to slow down, pause, or even fucking stop, and appreciate what’s right in front of you.


We go so fast sometimes and chase the next big thing.

We focus on the money, the things, the homes, the cars, the numbers, and ALL the things we want.

And we forget about the things we already have.

I had a thing happen this week that smacked me right in the face with this reminder.

It was humbling, I’m not gonna lie.

It caused me to press pause and just look around.

Because the truth is… yes, I do want more AND I have SO much already.

I have a daughter who is the love of my life. I can’t even begin to tell you how deeply I love her. How she is my everything. How nothing is ok if she’s not ok.

I have a husband that’s a true partner in every sense of the word. I love him. We are so lucky to have found each other and despite the obstacles we’ve had to overcome, there is no one I’d rather do life with.

I have friends who would help me bury the bodies. They don’t even have to have a reason. If I’m mad, they’re mad. If they have a problem, we have a problem. We celebrate each other and lift each other up. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

And I bet you have these things in your life too, right?

But when’s the last time you stopped to really think about them? And appreciate them? And honor them?

The flowers in your garden… your parents… your co-workers… that guy you see on the subway every morning… that fella in your neighborhood who always has a kind smile…

And so many other things.

Because the more you appreciate what you have, the more you can slow down and realize that everything else is just a bonus.

Doesn’t mean you can’t want it. You can. But wanting is much less stressful when you already have it all.

Today, we’re going to explore this more.


PS… I’m so grateful for YOU. The fact that you read my words, share my message, and respond to my questions means so much to me. I wonder if you even know.

You’re not a stranger on the internet. I see you. I love you. You matter. And I’m so glad you’re here. Add me on IG if we aren’t already friends!

Do This To Appreciate YourSELF!

A few years ago on my birthday, Rain wrote down the sweetest messages for me on little pieces of cardboard put them inside a pink jar.

The messages said things… “You matter”… or “Don’t give up”… or “You have value”.

She told me when I was feeling sad that I could open the jar and pick out a note to read so I could feel better. I know! Who is this kid?

This is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received and one of my most valuable possessions. It made my entire heart melt.

So, today, I invite you to create something similar for yourSELF.

Write messages you know you need to hear on pieces of paper and put them in a jar.

When you’re feeling like you need a pick-me-up, pull out a piece of paper and read it.

The message I pulled out of the jar this morning was, “Don’t worry.”

How did she know I needed that?

Gratitude As A Form of SELF Care

Did you know that gratitude is a form of SELF Care?

It makes sense, right?

Think about how your heart swells when you appreciate the people you love, for example.

It’s a form of healing.

Being appreciative of the things you have and the life you live also encourages us to take better care of ourselves.

It’s true.

A study showed college students who write about what they’re grateful for weekly for 10 weeks exercised more than those who engage in other types of writing.

But that’s not all. They also ate better, slept better, and drank less among other things.

So how can you incorporate gratitude into your daily life?

We go around the dinner table each night and say what we’re grateful for and it kicks off such a beautiful conversation and connection.

Pro tip: Just make sure to do it after everyone’s had a few bites and aren’t super hungry anymore. Ask me how I know!

You can also write down 3 things you’re grateful for in your gratitude journal. I like the 5 Minute Journal.

Or something else entirely.

Choose something that works for you and watch how it impacts everything else. Or not.

The choice, as always, is yours.

Appreciate What’s Going Right In Your Business

One of the traits I’ve seen in the most successful SELF Made people I know is appreciating what they have. Or rather, gratitude.

I knowwww… it’s not as exciting as “do these 3 things for a $30k month” BUT it’s even more important AND gives you way better results.

I’ve seen it time and time again.

I’ve seen in my own life that the times I’m living in the most gratitude are when I bring in the most abundance.

Even Lady O (that’s Oprah for the newbies 😉 ) said…

“Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.”

And no, I’m not comparing mySELF to Oprah, I’m just loving on her wisdom.

And if me and Oprah (still not the same) aren’t enough for you, research shows that gratitude can lead to increased determination, energy, enthusiasm, and achievement.

It also reduces burnout. Win/Win.

So, take a look at your business and instead of focusing on the flaws, the things you’re not doing, the things that could be better, focus on what’s going right.

What’s working? What is out in the world, even if it’s not “perfect”?

Who helps you do what you do and how can you be grateful for them today and every day?

How can you be grateful for the people who support your business?

And how can you just stop and appreciate what is and all that you’ve done and be in awe of that for just a minute?

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I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you relax and grow rich.

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