I’m excited to share that this newsletter is getting a little makeover next week so stay tuned!
It will have a fun new look and feel but the idea remains the same… helping you to live a life so good you’re only jealous of yourSELF!
But first… let’s catch up!
First of all, Rain is crushing Algebra!
Now, if you know my math abilities, you know this is truly a reason to celebrate!
I finished my high school Algebra class with a 70 and I’m pretty sure my teacher gave me a little bump just so she wouldn’t have to see me again the next year.
It was bad.
Speaking of my short comings, did you know I’m dyslexic and deal with ADHD on a regular basis?
I know. In fact, I’m so dyslexic that I will SAY shit backwards! (You can’t make it up.)
I’ll put people’s last names before their first, switch around sentences, and all kinds of craziness.
Is there a cure for this?
IDK but… it hasn’t stopped me yet so I’ll just keep on truckin’.
What else, what else…
Zak and I stole away for a quiet dinner this week to reconnect. We talked about our goals, what we needed extra support with, and what was going well.
It was so nice to have that one-on-one time with him.
We enjoyed our usual Pizza and a Movie night on Friday and cheated a wee bit by watching White Lotus instead of a film.
Are you watching it?
It’s a smidge slow for my tastes and I have zero affinity for any of the characters but I also have a feeling that things are gonna pop off soon so I’m sticking with it.
On Saturday, I took some time to work on my art and finished a brand new piece to put in our foyer. I’m obsessed with it!
And then that afternoon, I finished the book, “The Friday Afternoon Club: A Family Memoir by Griffin Dunne.”
I LOVE the title but the book was just meh.
I’m a sucker for a good memoir – especially one that peeks into the lives of the rich and famous but this one felt… self-serving?
I give it a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars.
If you have any recs, send them my way!
OR even better… post them in the SELF Made Membership!
Speaking of the membership, I posted an interesting question to the SELF Makers there this week and I made a note to share it with you too!
Keep reading to find out what it is.
Love you the most!
What Happens If You Don’t Take Action?
There was a time in my life when I didn’t say yes.
Not because I didn’t want to.
Not because I didn’t believe in myself.
But because I was fucking scared.
I was fresh into this whole ‘online business’ thing, and an opportunity landed in my lap—one that could have changed everything.
It was a chance to invest in a mentor who had built the exact kind of business I wanted.
I knew I needed it and it would collapse time for me. I knew it would work.
But instead of saying yes, I did what most people do.
- I hesitated.
- I overthought.
- I let fear sit in the driver’s seat.
What if I failed? What if I wasn’t ready or I wasn’t good enough?
So… I said no.
And for the next two years, I stayed almost exactly where I was at.
I kept working harder instead of smarter AND wasted time piecing together free shit from people’s free newsletters.
I watched other people, people who weren’t even as good as me, blow past me simply because they took action.
And that was the worsttttttt.
Eventually, I got sick of my own bullshit and made moves.
But when I look back at those two years I lost? It makes me want to shake my past self and say, What the actual fuck were you thinking?
And that’s what I want to ask you today (except in a nicer way, of course).
Because I see so many people stuck in the same cycle I was in.
You want more.
You’re dreaming about the business, the lifestyle, the freedom.
You know what you need to do.
But you’re hesitating.
Because you’re afraid of what happens if you take action.
- What if I fail?
- What if I embarrass myself?
- What if it doesn’t work?
And that fear is keeping you exactly where you are.
But you’re asking yourSELF the wrong question.
Instead… I invite you to ask yourSELF…
What happens if you DON’T take action?
Maybe the answers look like this…
- You never build the business that gives you freedom.
- You stay in a job that drains your soul.
- You never find the relationship you’re longing for.
- You watch other people live the life you should be living.
- You wake up a year from now in the exact same place, still making excuses.
And honestly? That’s the worst.
Because at least when you fail, you learn. You grow. You get closer to the life you want.
But when you do nothing? You get nothing.
And you lose time—time you will never get back.
So today, I want you to be brutally honest with yourSELF:
What’s one thing you’re considering taking action on? And what happens if you DON’T?
Because once you see it in black and white, you’ll realize… you don’t actually have a choice at all.
It’s time to move.
Or… not. The choice, as always, is yours.
Love you!
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