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What to Do When the Shit Hits the Fan [3 Real Life Examples]



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3 Ways to Change Your Life When the Shit Hits the Fan (No Trauma and Drama Required)

How has your week been?

Mine has been… tough. And good. And tough.

Funny how life is like that sometimes, huh?

On the positive side, we’re rolling out so many changes and upgrades to our schools, the  Institute of Transformational Nutrition and The Modern Life Coach School.

There’s a reason these schools are the best in the world (I said it) and our students are so successful (averaging $117,498/year after graduating!). It’s because of the elite education and the done-for-you tools we provide.

And… With the ADDITIONAL trainings and tools we’ve created for them in the past few weeks, they’re now in a league all their own.

Oh, and I’m working on something OUTSIDE the schools for the first time in 10 years!

More on that to come.

So, business is wonderful. But my personal life… has been difficult.

You know I tell you everything (thanks for listening, you da best! ) but this situation is a bit different.

This story isn’t 100% mine to share so I’ll have to talk around the specifics but I know you’ll understand.

You see, it involves change.

Now, don’t get me wrong… I love change. Like, love it so much I could eat it with a spoon and ask for seconds.

AND… it’s not always easy.

Sometimes you don’t see it coming and change has busted down your front door, insisting you pack your shit and get in the car, like it or not. 

Sometimes change is gradual and you get to work your way through it and focus on the positive it brings. Deep breath.

And sometimes, you have to go through a I-hit-rock-bottom-can-someone-help-me-the-fuck-up situation to even figure out what kind of change needs to happen.

My situation fell into that last category.

Truly, the shit hit the fan.

And it hasn’t been easy. I’ve had a lot of sleepless nights, a few too many drinks, and struggles with my mental health.

I’m not particularly proud of the drinks, but my commitment to you is to always keep it real and not just show the highlight reel. No one needs that.

I’ve also told mySELF ALLLL the stories. You know the ones…

  • “What were you thinking?”
  • “You’re such an idiot.”
  • “You should just give up.”

And on and on and on.

Have you ever been there?

It’s wild, right?! Why are we like this?

You have to try and focus on separating what’s real from the shit you’re just making up and it’s not always easy. Sometimes it legit fucks you up.

So, I’ve turned to the tools and my training to move through this. It’s not complete yet, not by a long shot, but it will be.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I’m focused on it.

Today, I thought about YOU. And me. And how you and I aren’t alone in our struggles, our suffering, or our need to sometimes change things.

Even when it’s hard.

ESPECIALLY when it’s hard.

So, I’m sharing some of the tools I’m using to navigate this abyss and still come up for air in hopes it serves you.

Remember, you are not alone.

We’re in this together.

I got you.

To navigating change with love, grace, and style (and a few less drinks),


Change, especially during challenging moments, can feel like a stormy sea.

But amidst the waves, there’s an opportunity to redefine who you are and who you want to become.

Your Future Self can serve as a beacon to guide you through the storm.

Here are 3 steps I’m taking to navigate this new chapter in my life:

1. Embrace Transformation 

Sure, you can rage against the dying of the light and fight off change like it’s not gonna happen anyway, but it’s so much easier when you welcome it in instead. Use this time as an opportunity to shed what no longer serves you and grow into a better version of yourSELF.

2. Step into Your Future Self 

What I know is that my Present Self isn’t in a position to navigate this change easily. And that’s ok. Because I have someone better – my Future Self. I’m very clear on who I want to be when all this is over so I’m acting as if I’m that person right now. In other words, I’m assuming the Identity of my Future Self today. I’m embracing the same qualities, values, and strengths my Future Self has already cultivated and it’s made this process so much easier!

3. Cultivate Resilience 

Resilience is the anchor that keeps you steady in turbulent waters. (I know, I’m all about this “sea” analogy but I kinda like it so I’m gonna stick with it ) You see, you can be a victim to change or you can be the victor. It’s up to you. You can see change as an opportunity to develop resilience and use the situation to make you even stronger than you are today (and I KNOW how strong you are already!).

The idea here isn’t to just “survive” change. It’s to use it as a catalyst to embrace the Identity of your Future Self, embrace transformation, and emerge from the situation stronger and wiser.

And remember… you’re so much stronger than you think you are!


Ok… raise your hand if you’re willing to tell the truth…

SELF care has not been my strong point over the past week. Remember the “too many drinks” part?

And that doesn’t feel good. It’s so far out of alignment with my Identity that it’s caused me to really sit up and pay attention.

I’ve had to ask mySELF… what am I not willing to hear? To feel? To acknowledge?

The answers have been interesting. And helpful. And hurtful. But mostly helpful.

You see, numbing the pain doesn’t heal it. It doesn’t make it go away. It just makes it worse when you come back to it.

Numbing is exhausting.

And what I know for sure (cue Lady O) is that during times of change, SELF care becomes your lifeline.

So, I’m choosing to focus on caring deeply for mySELF. 

Here’s how I’ve started…

  • SELF Made Morning Routine: I’ve always had a morning routine but this one is so juicy. (Would you like me to share it with you? Say the word and I’ll make it happen!) I’m focusing on my Future Self and mentally rehearsing my day so I know exactly what to expect. It’s like playing the whole game before even stepping on the court.
  • Feeding MySELF What I’m REALLY Hungry For: I have no room in my diet for junk – not alcohol, not shitty food, and not people, content, or places that don’t nourish me. I’m turning to meaningful books and podcasts and spending time in nature. I’m seeking knowledge that aligns with the person I’m becoming. And, I’m loving it.

What about you? Either of these sound like something you wanna try? Let me know! AND… let me know how YOU care for yourSELF during troubling times of change. Inquiring minds and all…


As I shared earlier, my career and businesses are thriving AND I would be a big ol’ liar if I didn’t tell you that there are times when the side effects of this change have impacted it.

In the face of change, success is not about resisting the current but about navigating it with intention and purpose.

So, I’ve let my Future Self be the captain of this ship  and chart the course. (andddd we’re back to the sea  analogy )

I’m focused on goals that align with the Identity of my Future Self. And just like a captain adapts to changing tides, I’m adapting to what is and what will be instead of what was.

I’ve found out it’s not a good idea to chain yourSELF to a sinking ship. Go figure.

(It’s also not a good idea to be drunk while the ship is sinking but I digress…)

And finally, I’m finding strength in my Identity.

You can think of your Identity as your anchor in turbulent waters (or not lol).

By staying grounded in my values, beliefs, and the vision of my Future Self as I move through this change, things are simpler and more clear.

I’m not focusing on who I was or am but rather who I’m CHOOSING to be at the end of this thing. And THAT is a beautiful, and powerful, thing.

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