THE self made BLOG

Who You Actually Become Is Determined By This



I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you
relax and grow rich.





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You Can Become Who You Want Today…When You Do This!

This week has been action-packed in our house. Cynthia Garcia and her daughter, Rain, eating ice cream knowing that who you become is determined by who you BE, not what you DO.

We’ve been on the move constantly with school outings, parent-teacher conferences, big projects at work, and just my personal “upkeep”.

Side note: Do you ever feel like getting your nails done, hair, skincare, etc. is a full-time job or is that just me?

Anyway… on Friday, Rain and I decided to end the week right so we did what any reasonable person would do…

We went for ice cream when I picked her up from school! I mean you gotta enjoy the small things, right?

I’m finding it’s a balance between enjoying what is and also creating more.

On that note… I’ve been thinking a lot about who I’m choosing to become.

You see…like you, I have big goals. Dreams.

In fact, most of us want to live a life that we feel passionate about. That engages us on the deepest levels.

We want to live a life that feels true to our deepest desires and the best vision we have of who we can be.

But what separates the person who actually becomes the person that they think about from the person who never does anything to accomplish their dreams?

The difference is who they decide to be. My goals and dreams require me to be someone different than who I am now. What’s got me this far won’t get me to the next level.

Here’s the harsh reality –your dream life will not be given to you on a platter.

You will not wake up one morning and have millions of dollars, your dream body, and be married to the man of your dreams.

That’s not how this works. To live the life you really want, you have to BE the person who has that life. But no worries… I know that you are MORE than capable of this and you can start today.

You can start BEING the person you want to be and live the life you really want.

And you can start making choices that the YOU you want to become would make RIGHT NOW.

You don’t have to wait one more mouse minute to become that person. In fact, that’s a surefire way to fail.

Don’t wait until you become the person of your dreams. Create them with every choice you make. Craft them with every breath you take. And don’t let yourself fall prey to excuses.

Mediocrity loves excuses.

It’s easier to sit on the couch and watch television rather than go for a walk.

But will it make you the person you really want to become? If you want to be a TV-watching couch potato, yes. Otherwise, no.

This week, I invite you to choose one thing you can do to start becoming your future self right now.

Find a way to work it into your days and watch the magic happen.

Love you!


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I help ambitious entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving their kids the life they never had.

In other words, I help you relax and grow rich.

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