The Secret to Becoming Your Ideal Future Self (While Doing Less)
This week I’m enjoying the rainy weather in Portland.
I’ve always had a special affinity for rain.
So much, in fact, that I named my daughter Rain!
(Side note on the kid: She wrapped up 6th grade this week! (See pic!) Where does the time go?!)
Here’s the thing…Rain (the weather, not my child) is cleansing.
It’s a sign of renewal and breathing in new life.
It’s a symbol of washing away the old and preparing for the new.
I’m hearing a lot these days about doing more.
Adding on one more thing.
And sure, that sounds easy enough, and it can even be beneficial.
But, what if we became the person we want to be (aka SELF Made) by doing LESS instead of piling more on?
You do so much for so many.
Today, take some time to do this one thing for yourself…
Think about what you can cleanse from your life to help you get closer to the person you want to be.
It could be that you want to REMOVE a responsibility that someone else can handle.
Maybe you want to ditch other people’s expectations when it comes to your work, parenting, etc.
It could be something as simple as removing your the tv from your bedroom so you can connect more deeply with yourself and your partner.
You can REMOVE caffeine, watching the news, judging, complaining, or having an extra snack after dinner.
Keep it simple.
So, answer this question… “What’s the ONE thing I can remove from my life, starting today, that will help me become more of the person I want to be?”
And then ACTUALLY remove that thing.
Here’s to getting you one step closer to becoming SELF Made so you can enjoy a life so good you’re only jealous of yourself!
With love and doing less,
P.S. – Head over to IG and send me a DM to tell me what ONE thing you’re going to focus on letting go of! I can’t wait to hear!
P.S.S – For more SELF Made tips about success, read about how This Routine Can Change Your Life!
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