self made secrets

Why Small Distractions Are Costing You Big Opportunities

Why Small Distractions Are Costing You Big Opportunities

I’m writing to you this morning from Sundance where I’m speaking at Bo Eason’s event.

(Bo is literally “The Best”. Check out his work here.) Cynthia Garcia shares why small distractions are costing you big opportunities.

Zak and I got here a day early thanks to a little scheduling snafu (maybe you saw it on my IG stories? ) but it was so nice to have that quiet time with him to think and plan the exciting things we’re up to – in business and life.

We’re staying at a lovely resort, in a mountain top suite, that feels so cozy and romantic.

Rain had a great class trip and is hanging with her dad until I get back home.

I miss her face and can’t wait to see her!

Ok, I gotta run through my talk one more time but before I do, I wanted to share something that came up for me this week.

It’s about small habits that waste time.

It was such a great teaching moment and it’s changed how I’m “relaxing and growing rich”.

I’ll share it with you below!


How Saying Yes to Small Distractions is Costing You Big Opportunities

Last week, Zak went to play golf, Rain headed to her dad’s, so I took that opportunity to relax in the best bath ever.

My baths are a sanctuary.

I turn on music, light some candles, and let my mind just wander through the fields of thought.

It’s magic.

As I was sitting in this white space, my brain said to me…

…”you know… you should listen to that true crime podcast… or read that article you bookmarked… or BOTH!”

Now… Something you might know about me, is that I’m a naturally curious person.

The TRUTH is, I’m OBSESSED with information.

And I know that education has been the key to my success.

BUT… it’s also a problem.

Because I have other shit to do.

I can’t just read, listen, and watch things ALL the time (as much as I would love to). 

Now, as I was contemplating turning on that podcast (I really want to know who the murderer was!), my SELF spoke up.

Yeah, my higher SELF talks to me when I get quiet.

That might sound weird but… it happens.

Anyway… what my SELF whispered to me in the bath was this…

“You know, Cynthia… when you say yes to something, you always say no to something else.”

Now, I know that.

I’ve heard it.

I’ve even SAID it to others.

But it hit different that day.

Small habits waste time.

I started thinking about what my “yesses” – even the small ones – have cost me.

For example…

If I say yes to that podcast, I’m saying no to relaxation, peace of mind, and white space to process all the things my brain needs to process or if I say yes to staying up late and watching that show, I am saying no to an energized, productive morning.

If I say yes to a “quick” Zoom call, I’m saying no to creating content that will serve my audience or make me money or if I say yes to that conference, I’m saying no to being at home with Rain.

Now, those are big “yesses” but there are small ones too and THIS is where my aha moment came from!

Here are some of the small yesses I hadn’t thought about…

Opting in to yet another email newsletter means saying no to having time to write my own.

Scrolling social means saying no to being present in that moment with my family.

Reading that news story means saying no to a quick meditation to calm my mind.

Checking my email or texts means saying no to giving Zak my attention on a date night.

Now… as you can see… this adds up.

And it results in me being scattered, distracted, and anxious.

And I don’t want that.

You might be tempted to say… “live a little, Cynthia. It’s just a few minutes here and there!”

But here’s the thing…

Time – even just a few minutes of it – is your life.  And once it’s gone, you can never get it back.

Think about that for a moment.

I did.

Which is why since that time (and moving forward) I have this thought running through my head…

“If you say yes to this, what are you saying no to?”

It has served me immensely!

I’m more present, more focused, more productive, and more relaxed.

So today, I invite you to consider the question for yourSELF.

“If you say yes to this, what are you saying no to?”

Or… not.

The choice, as always, is yours.

SELF Made Membership

Ready to say YES to something that will help you create a life and business so good you’re only jealous of yourSELF?

You really can stop:

  • Feeling confused over all the conflicting information online about “how to grow your business”
  • Being overworked and overwhelmed trying to do it all
  • Being afraid that you don’t have what it takes and your life will always look that way.

And I can help.

You see I’ve turned “relaxing and growing rich” into a SCIENCE so anyone can do it.

And this is what I teach and coach people on in my SELF Made Membership.

The SELF Made Membership is the ultimate community for inspiration, connection, coaching, and strategy designed to help entrepreneurs scale their business so they can finally relax and grow rich!

Check out the details here.

It’s truly a no-brainer if you’re serious about becoming SELF Made.

Join us in the SELF Made Membership today!

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Most people wake up every day to a life they never actually wanted. I help them create one so good they’re only jealous of theirSELF.

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